NEUROSURGERY is a highly specialized surgical subspecialty that involves i) medical treatments ii) physical treatments iii) interventional or endovascular procedures and iv) minimally invasive microsurgeries for treating a very wide spectrum of clinical conditions and diseases that happen at our BRAIN and SPINE. Among all, treating STROKE and PAIN are the basics of Neurosurgery daily practices.

In the other words, NEUROSURGEONs, with their knowledges and trainings, together with their sophisticated micro-instruments, utilize their operative skills under the microscope, they treat wide spectrum of clinical conditions and diseases that happen along human nervous systems and its surrounding tissues; skull, spinal column, vessels and related tissues.

The followings are the summary of the common routines in Neurosurgical Practices:

  1. Head trauma and brain injury

  2. Brain tumors and Pituitary tumors:

  3. Stroke: both Ischemic and Hemorrhagic strokes

    1. Stroke Risk Assessment and Stroke Screening

    2. Stroke Prevention:

    3. Stroke Acute Treatment within Golden-Hours;

  4. Neuropathic Pain Treatments and Functional Neurosurgery:

    1. Trigeminal neuralgia
    2. Glossopharyngeal neuralgia
    3. Hemifacial spasm

    Microvascular Decompression (MVD)

  5. Spine:

    1. Spinal Tumor

    2. Spinal Trauma:
       with or without spinal fracture, spinal cord or nerves injury.

      1. Minimally invasive decompression +/- fixation spinal surgery for spine stabilization.

    3. Spinal Herniated Disc:

      with numbness, pain, weakness at arms or legs, sciatica pain at legs.

      1. Spinal injection and radiofrequency treatments for discogenic back pain or sciatica pain at legs.
      2. Microdiscectomy for freeing the impinged nerves
      3. Mini-decompressive Laminectomy for freeing the impinged spinal cord or nerves.

    4. Spinal Stenosis at neck or lower back:

      with spinal cord or cauda equina nerves compressions, causing pain, numbness, weakness at arms or legs, disturbed gait, disturbed urinary habit and bowel habits, disturbed sexual function.

    5. Degenerative Spine Disease:

      with back pain, nerves compressions, spinal instability or scoliosis: 

      Minimally Invasive Spine Fusion Surgery under Microscope:
      1. Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion (TLIF)
      2. ObliquLumbar Interbody Fusione (OLIF)

Among all Neurosurgeries, minimally invasive spine surgery (MIS Spine Surgery) are the microsurgeries that Neurosurgeons most commonly perform among their routines. 

For all spine surgeries, Neurosurgeons apply their knowledges of nervous system and spinal column, and also their microsurgical skills and techniques, together with their micro-instruments of brain surgeries. Sometimes, Neurosurgeons may also add the technique of Continuous Intra-Operative Neural Monitoring (IOM) to monitor the nerve signal transmission function along brain, spinal cord and nerves during surgery, so as to assure patients’ good neurological outcome in spine surgeries. 

Seeking Second Medical Opinion

With the ever-advancing Medical Technology, seeking a second medical opinion is now the standard practice for all kinds of medical diagnoses. Getting a second medical opinion from another Medical Expert is a decision-support tool for ratification or modification of the medical suggestions from other doctors.

Second medical opinion may have critical impacts on the disease outcome by influencing the followings, namely 5Cs:

Head injury

Brain tumors can be subdivided into non-cancerous benign tumor and malignant cancerous tumor. If a tumor is originated within brain compartment ......

Spine Surgery
Spine Surgery

Tumors can develop in the vertebrae, nerves, and other tissue throughout your spine. Some spine tumors, such as astrocytomas, occur more commonly in children and adolescents......

Stroke Prevention

Given the disease burden of strokes, prevention is an important public health concern. As stroke neurosurgeons, we do not want to treat stroke unless we are forced to do so for acute stroke ......

brain tumor treatment Hong Kong

Brain tumors grow and compress normal brain tissue. Both benign and malignant tumors can cause swelling of the brain and raised intracranial pressure. Headache, dizziness....

Because the signs of stroke are traceable, if symptoms are identified through risk screening, suitable treatments can be received to reduce the risk of a stroke.

HKBSSP offers the following prevention treatments:

Medical Therapy: Drug for blood pressure control & cholesterolaemia, glucose control for diabetes, anticoagulant for atrial fibrillation, and antiplatelet for previous stroke patients.

Prophylactic Neurosurgery Percutaneous Cerebral Intervention (Neuro-PCI) revascularisation: this minimally invasive procedure not only can treat acute strokes effectively, it can also treat structural abnormalities such as cervical arteries stenosis, intracranial vascular anomaly, intracranial vascular stenosis, and cerebral aneurysm or arteriovenous malformation, to minimise the risk of a stroke.

News & Events

  • 24 Hours Stroke Hotline and Affiliate Hospital
    24 Hours Stroke Hotline and Affiliate Hospital We provide 24 hours emergency stroke hotline throughout the year. Our team includes strokeneurosurgeons and nurses who provide immediate stroke treatments with high international standard. With prompt on-site clinical assessments, we give medical advi ... Read More ...
  • About Us
    Who are we? We are a medical group consists of experience registered nurses of neurosurgery training and experience neurosurgeons who subspecialized in skull base, spine and neurovascular surgery.  For decades, we have been treating stroke patients and patients with other brain and spine probl ... Read More ...
  • Acute Stroke Treatment
    24/7 Emergency stroke care service at HKBSSP As many as 7 out of 10 stroke patients in Hong Kong have the blockage of the ischaemic type. Although it is less severe than a haemorrhagic one, it calls for immediate treatment to prevent the condition from worsening. That is why we, at the HKBSSP emer ... Read More ...
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